miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

Irubide, open to international teachers

This year, thanks to the Erasmus + Programme,  we’ve had the opportunity to have here in IES Padre Moret-Irubide two international students from the Czech Republic, who will soon become teachers. Under the guidance of Andrea González and Araceli López, from the English Department, they’ve been with us for almost three months observing, planning, assisting and teaching in different courses. 

This pioneer experience has been extremely rewarding for everybody, especially for our students who have valued positively this initiative and engaged in all the activities, trying to make an extra effort to communicate solely in English, not just in the classes but also outside the school in extracurricular activities such as the White Week, which is a 5-day trip to the Pyrenees where students go skiing

Apart from these two Czech girls, Denisa and Tereza, we’ve also had an intern, Jessica, from the United Kingdom, who has been working with us for four months as part of her teaching studies. Her stay in Spain has been granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, through the programme of Language Assistants

Having international language assistants is definitely beneficial for our centre and highlights our compromise with the teaching of English. Hence, we are always open to participating in these kinds of proposals. 

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